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psoriasis cream

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that manifests as red patches covered with white flakes, which usually appears on the body, elbows, knees and the crown, as well as small spots on the skin or as red skin that is usually located in the armpit, the female reproductive tract, the groin, hands, feet and on nails.

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feet cramps

If you were in a panic situation that pinches lower leg, or looking for a needle or spike in the vicinity in order to save the severe pain, then you had an experience that is called a short but very painful: Cramps.

The Pain: Cramps are uncontrolled contractions of muscle fibers. They can last a few seconds or a few minutes and are associated with severe pain. Some of the different types of cramps include - Nocturnal cramps: These are cramps which occur at night. They mostly occur in the legs, especially the calf muscles, and the Feet. Electrolyte imbalances are thought to cause night-time Cramps.

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duct tape warts

Warts are skin growths that appear on the skin. In fact, they can appear just about anywhere on the body. Although most warts are harmless, almost all are non-cancerous; you may be interested in having your warts removed. In fact, there is even a good chance that you already started researching your wart removal options online. If so, did you come across a method that suggested using duct tape?

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facts about warts

If your want occur being to get a wart taken away forever then a wart removal treatment should provide a method to be able to eliminate your wart at its origin. Using this method actually is a lot like trying to eliminate a grass within the backyard. In mowing weeds just its upper part happens to be eliminated. Its basic still is in place and that means a weed can reproduce. But, if the base of a weed will be eliminated then the whole weed dies. Warts caused by HPV should be removed at their source.

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get rid of foot corns

You’re either on your feet all day or perpetually cramming your toes into the latest designer shoes.
Or, maybe it’s a little of both. Either way, the result is usually the same: ugly Foot Corns and Calluses. They’re unsightly and sometimes painful. But there are things that can be done to fix them.
Calluses often are more than an inch in diameter and usually develop on the soles of the feet, especially under the heels or balls of the feet, according to the Altsberglotion Products.

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pso and personality

How to Overcome the Consequences?

The fact is, Psoriasis both on the invisible and on the visible parts of the body which are highly expressed, for the patient is causing discomfort, a feeling of shame which eventually leads to change of the mood antisocial behavior and in the end, and unfortunately to violating the psychological state of patients in general.

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infections and infertility

Infertility is now part of our everyday life and is one of the leading public health problems faced by increasing number of people. Before detailed examination of all possible causes of infertility, it would certainly exclude hidden infection.

Infertility and Lifestyle

Infertility can cause metabolic, immune, endocrine, mechanical and many others disorders in the orderly functioning of our body. Strong influence on fertility also has a way of life - difficult submission of daily stress, poor diet, alcohol, smoking, a number of psychological problems, including excessive intake of certain medications. But one of the main causes are often unfairly overlooked, such as infections.

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hpv infections

Application of new DNA tests, which searches for the virus is responsible for most cases of cervical cancers, is useful for all women aged 30 years and older, as they can prevent more cases of cancer than taking the smear for the Papanikolau test, it’s said by the experts of University Medical Center in Amsterdam.

In most cases of infection with HPV, which is transmitted through sexual intercourse, the immune system successfully overcomes, but the persistent infection with of this virus types may lead to Cervical Cancer.

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genital warts in pregnancy

In most cases, genital warts will not affect the pregnancy. Your doctor may need to supervise you more often and to recommend the appropriate therapy if it is needed.
If you have genital warts and get pregnant, tell your doctor immediately, because there is a risk of transmitting the HPV virus (which causes Condyloma) on your newborn during vaginal delivery.

How Warts do Affect During Pregnancy?

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get rid of genital warts

Burning, itching, redness of the Genitals area?!  What Has Happened?

This question you asked yourself at least once in your life, surely you have not had a response...Fear, worry, and a sense of shame you were forced to pass to itself, without the knowledge of parents, partners, comrades. The problem was only yours and you chose the time, place and manner to seek advice on how to tingling, itching, and redness as soon pass and that all goes well... And if you would be so, and what if it does complicate?